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в инете биографию Шекспира на аноглийском, а то я в английском не шарю и не понимаю то я нахожу или нет(
Манюня © (04.10.2005 14:10)

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а тебе длинную надо или на страничку?
veruska © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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Лучше не очень длинную)
Манюня © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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Типа такой? Топик написать? William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden some time in late April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. There is no record of his birth, but his baptism was recorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the 23 of April. His father was a prominent and prosperous alderman in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon, and was later granted a coat of arms by the College of Heralds. All that is known of Shakespeare's youth is that he presumably attended the Stratford Grammar School, and did not proceed to Oxford or Cambridge. The next record we have of him is his marriage to Anne Hathaway in 1582. The next year she bore a daughter for him, Susanna, followed by the twins Judith and Hamnet two years later. Seven years later Shakespeare was recognized as an actor, poet, and playwright, when a rival playwright, Robert Greene, referred to him as "an upstart crow" in "A Groatsworth of Wit." A few years later he joined up with one of the most successful acting troupes in London: "The Lord Chamberlain's Men." When, in 1599, the troupe lost the lease of the theatre where they performed (appropriately called "The Theatre"), they were wealthy enough to build their own theatre across the Thames, south of London, which they called "The Globe." The new theatre opened in July of 1599, built from the timbers of "The Theatre", with the motto "Totus mundus agit histrionem" (A whole world of players). When James I came to the throne (1603) the troupe was designated by the new king as the "King's Men" (or "King's Company"). The Letters Patent of the company specifically charged Shakespeare and eight others "freely to use and exercise the art and faculty of playing Comedies, Tragedies, Histories, Interludes, Morals, Pastorals, stage plays ... as well for recreation of our loving subjects as for our solace and pleasure." Shakespeare entertained the King and the people for another ten years until June 19, 1613, when a canon fired from the roof of the theatre for a gala performance of Henry VIII set fire to the thatch roof and burned the theatre to the ground. The audience ignored the smoke from the roof at first, being to absorbed in the play, until the flames caught the walls and the fabric of the curtains. Amazingly there were no casualties, and the next spring the company had the theatre "new builded in a far fairer manner than before." Although Shakespeare invested in the rebuilding, he retired from the stage to the Great House of New Place in Statford that he had purchased in 1597, and some considerable land holdings ,where he continued to write until his death in 1616 on the day of his 52nd birthday.
veruska © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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Вер, спасибо))) Ща растяну, найду его фотку - надеюсь хватит))))
Манюня © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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а копирайты не важны тебе? Если это для работы, то я бы переделала этот текст маленько
veruska © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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Да это дочке в школу)))
Манюня © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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у меня на ссылках есть фото, на первой очень хорошее
Jane-Kulinarka © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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Вот тут еще интересно William Shakespeare Facts FACTS ABOUT SHAKESPEARE There are many mysteries that surround the life of William Shakespeare - some are based on facts and some are based on fiction! Some are interesting facts, some are strange facts and some are down right weird facts Shakespeare was interesting! Check out our Top 10 Facts on Shakespeare! TOP 10 FACTS ABOUT SHAKESPEARE! Trivia Fact 1 - No one knows the actual birthday of Shakespeare! Trivia Fact 2 - Anne Hathaway was eight years older than Shakespeare and three months pregnant when they got married! Trivia Fact 3 - Many Shakespeare life facts are unknown - these are referred to as the Lost Years Trivia Fact 4 - Shakespeare's Father, John was a money lender! He was accused in the Exchequer Court of Usury for lending money at the inflated rate of 20% and 25% Interest! Trivia Fact 5 - William Arden, a relative of Shakespeare's mother Mary Arden, was arrested for plotting against Queen Elizabeth I, imprisoned in the Tower of London and executed! Trivia Fact 6 - Shakespeare and his company built TWO Globe Theatres! Trivia Fact 7 - Shakespeare never published any of his plays! Trivia Fact 8 - Shakespeare and the Globe Actors were implicated in the Essex Rebellion of 1601! Trivia Fact 9 - Many eminent Authors and Politicians do not believe that Shakespeare wrote his plays... Trivia Fact 10 - Shakespeare's family were all illiterate! MORE FACTS ON SHAKESPEARE! This section has proved very popular and in response to visitor's requests we have included some more strange Facts and Rumours about William Shakespeare ! RUMOURS AND FACTS ABOUT SHAKESPEARE! Shakespeare's actual birthday is unknown but April 23rd has been generally used - the same day as St. George's Day, the Patron Saint of England - stranger still his actual date of death is also unknown and this has also been given April 23rd! Fact! William's father, John Shakespeare was the Mayor of Stratford There are rumours that Shakespeare left Stratford-upon-Avon to avoid prosecution for poaching a deer! Shakespeare is rumoured to be the father of an illegitimate son - William Davenant! We do not really know what Shakespeare looked like! Not one portrait was painted of Shakespeare whilst he was still alive! The majority of his plays were only published seven years after his death! Scandalous Facts! Shakespeare's daughter, Judith married a man called Thomas Quiney - but failed to get a special license to marry and, on March 12th 1616, Judith and Thomas Quiney were both excommunicated! More scandalous Shakespeare Family Facts! It transpired that Thomas Quiney had made another girl pregnant and was prosecuted for 'carnal copulation' The only mention that Shakespeare specifically makes of his wife in his Last Will and testament was to leave her his "second best bed" Shakespeare's grandchildren all died - he had no descendents
veruska © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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извините ошиблась
Anna Rita © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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на рынок Черкизовский, у меня соседка купила норку себе за 1200 вот производство правда нескажу, говорит что у неё ещё кто-то там покупал в носке такая же как и из магазина
Anna Rita © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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горестная у Шекспира жизнь)))))
Бенитка © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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на черкизовском-то рынке?:))
Эва © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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например: http://people.brandeis.edu/~teuber/shakespearebio.html http://www.william-shakespeare.org.uk/ http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/ShakespeareBiog.html
Jane-Kulinarka © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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о! классные ссылки
mmm © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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Спасибо! Жень!))
Манюня © (04.10.2005 15:10)
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mmm © (04.10.2005 14:10)
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