Форум >  Архив "Школа жён" >  Май 2005 года >  девушки, выручайте

девушки, выручайте

Поможете? Заранее сюда говорю спасибо, ОЧЕНь нужно и прямо буквально СЕйчас!!! Ну пожалуйста.!!!
клубНИка © (25.05.2005 21:05)

Оцените автора материала.

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а что такое?
Наталия Куусмаа © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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в чем?
Kedicik © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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СРОЧНо нужна статья на англ языке по теме связанной со строительсвом зданий и сооружений (не важно, что именно: фундаменты, причалы, дома, плотины...). Объём около 125 000 печатных знаков. стаья должна быть написана не ранее 1996 года автором - носетелем языка (т.е. англичанином, американом и т.д.)
клубНИка © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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ну, дорогая:) давай в Библиотеку Конгресса США:)))
Kedicik © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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Черт, если вы мне сейчас такое чудо найдете - не знаю что для вас сделаю!!!
клубНика © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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Это уже не статья.. для статьи больно много знаков.
Уипа © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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и тема размытая
Kedicik © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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Не, тема - фигня.. наоборот хорошо, что такая. Я бы поискала, но в инглеше не очень.
Уипа © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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но просто такие статьи в Инете за денежки.. никто не будетцеликом текст в бесплатном ресурсе вывешивать
Kedicik © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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В русском точно можно было бы найти, что-то типа реферата или курсовой, а вот в английском, не знаю.
Уипа © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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Refer to graphic copy to official publication The Resolution Gosstroya RF from September 17 2002 N 123 "About taking the building rates and rules to Russian Federation "Safety of the labour in construction. A Part 2. Building production" The State committee to Russian Federation on construction and housing-public complex resolves: 1. Take and give effect with 1 January 2003 the economy presented by Governing and international activity Gosstroya Russia state building rates and rules SNIP 12-04-2002 "Safety of the labour in construction. A Part 2. The Building production", designed by Federal state institution "Centre labour guard in construction" Gosstroya Russia, Analytical documentation centres "Stroytrudobezopasnosti", at participation Central research and design-experimental institute to organizations, mechanizations and technical help construction. 2. Acknowledge not acting on territory of the Russian Federation with 1 January 2003 resolution Gosstroya USSR from June 9 1980 N 82 in a part of the sections 8-18 SNIP III-4-80* "Safety in construction" with change N 1-5, as well as GUEST 12.3.035-84 "SSBT. The Construction. Work окрасочные. The Requirements to safety", GUEST 12.3.038-85 "SSBT. The Construction. Work on heat insulating the equipment and pipe line. The Requirements to safety" and GUEST 12.3.040-86 "SSBT. The Construction. Work roofing and гидроизоляционные. The Requirements to safety". Chairman A.SH.SHAMUZAFAROV It Is Registered in Minyuste RF October 18 2002 Registration N 3880 The Building rates and rules RF "Safety of the labour in construction. A Part 2. Building production" Date of the introduction 01.01.2003 Refer to. The Code of the rules on designing and construction JV 12-136-2002 "Safety of the labour in construction. Decisions on guard of the labour and industrial safety in project of the organizations construction and project construction", confirmed by resolution Gosstroya RF from September 17 2002 N 122 Refer to also SNIP 12-03-2001 "Safety of the labour in construction. A Part 1. General requirements", confirmed by resolution Gosstroya RF from July 23 2001 N 80 1. Application 2. Normative references 3. General provisions 4. Stripping the buildings and buildings under their reconstructions or demolition 5. Earthworks 6. Device of the artificial bases and bore work 7. Concreting 8. Erection work 9. Stone work 10. Otdelochnye work 11. Stocking up and assembly wooden design 12. Insulating work 13. Roofing work 14. Montage of the engineering equipping the buildings and buildings 15. Test the equipment and pipe line 16. Elektromontazhnye and adjustment and alignments 17. Work on проходке of the mountain productions Exhibit A. List of the normative legal acts, on which there are references in persisting rate and rule 1. Application The Persisting rates and rules spread on общестроительных and special building work production, executed under new construction, expansion, reconstructions, technical rearmament, heavy repairs of the buildings and buildings (hereinafter - a building production). 2. Normative references In persisting rate and rule are used references to normative legal acts, provided in exhibit A. 3. General provisions 3.1 Organization and work execution in building production must be realized at observance of the requirements SNIP 12-03, PB 10-382 and other normative legal acts, provided in exhibit А, as well as persisting rates and rules. 3.2 At construction object must be accepted measures on warning the influence on workman dangerous and bad production factor. Under their presence safety labour must be provided on base of the decisions, being kept in organizing-technological documentation (POS, PPR and others), on composition and contents being up to quality SNIP 12-03 and persisting rates and rules. 3.3 Before begin construction of the object генподрядная organization must execute starting-up work on organizations of the worksite, required for provision of safety construction, including: the device of the fence of the territory of the worksite at construction of the object in populated point or on territory of the organizations; the liberation of the construction site for construction of the object (the clearing of the territory, demolition of the constructions) planning the territory, водоотвод (at reduction water table) and cross bar-beam communication; the device of the temporary car roads, laying of the networks of temporary supply, illuminations, pluming; завоз and accomodation on territory of the worksite or for her(its) limit inventory sanitary-home, production and administrative buildings and buildings; the device крановых ways, places of the storage material and design. The Completion of the starting-up work must be accepted on act about execution action on safety of the labour, executed according to SNIP 12-03. 3.4 Construction on building object follows to guide to technological sequence according to being kept in POS calendar plan (the graph) of the work. The Termination preceding work is a necessary condition for preparing and execution following. At joinings of the work must be conducted additional actions on provision of safety of the performing the combined work. 3.5 Production of the civil and erection work on territory acting enterprises or building object necessary to realize when performing action, provided by act-tolerance, which registration follows to realize according to SNIP 12-03. The Specified actions are taken on base of the decisions, designed in POS and PPR, and include: the determination of the border of the territory, selected contractor for construction; the determination of the order of the tolerance workman to subcontract organization on territory of the organizations; undertaking the necessary starting-up work on chosen territory; the determination of the zone of the combined work and order of the execution there work. 3.6 Under joint activity on construction site several subcontract organizations, including people, concerning with individual labor activity, general contractor realizes checking for condition of the conditions of the labour on building object. In the event of origin on object of the dangerous conditions, causing real threat to lifes and health workman, генподрядная organization must оповестить about this all participant construction and undertake the necessary measures for conclusion of the people from dangerous zone. Renewing the work is permitted the генподрядной an organization after eliminating the reasons of the origin to dangers. 4. Stripping the buildings and buildings under their reconstructions or demolition 4.1. Organization of the work 4.2. Order construction 4.1. Organization of the work 4.1.1 When stripping the buildings and buildings (hereinafter - a stripping the constructions) in process of their reconstructions or demolition necessary to provide the actions on warning the influence on workman following dangerous and bad production factor, in accordance with nature of the work: spontaneous crushing element design of the constructions and fall вышерасположенных незакрепленных design, material, equipment; the movinging part of the building machines, moved by them subjects; the sharp edges, corners, protruding pin; the raised contents midair worker of the zone of dust and bad material; the location worker place вблизи swing on height 1.3 m and more. 4.1.2 Before begin undertaking the work on stripping the constructions necessary to execute the starting-up actions, connected with отселением living in them people or выездом located there organization, as well as with unhooking from networks water,- heat,- gas and supply, sewerages, technological продуктопроводов and taking the measures against their damages. All are a necessary co-ordinations on undertaking starting-up action must be made on stage of the development POS. 4.1.3 Stripping the buildings necessary to realize on base of the decisions, provided in organizing-technological documentation (POS, PPR and others.). The Specified decisions must be designed after undertaking the examination of the general condition of the building (the buildings), as well as foundation, sewer, pillars, code and other design. On result of the examination is formed act, on the grounds of which is realized decision of the following questions: the choice of the method of the undertaking the stripping; the determination to sequences of the work execution; the determination of the dangerous zones and using if required defensive fences; temporary or constant fastening or reinforcement design analysed building for the reason preventions of the casual crushing design; the actions on пылеподавлению; the security measure when functioning(working) on height; the schemes строповки at takedown design and equipment. 4.1.4 Before beginning of the work necessary to acquaint the workman with decisions, provided in PPR and conduct the briefing about safe method of the work. Removing unstable design when stripping the building follows to produce in whitness of leader of the work. 4.1.5 When stripping the constructions access to him stranger of the persons, not participating in construction, prohibited. The Area of the work on stripping the buildings, necessary to barrier according to SNIP 12-03. The Passage of the people in premiseses during stripping must be locked. 4.1.6 When stripping the constructions mechanized by way necessary to install dangerous for people of the zone, but machines (the mechanisms) place outside of zones of the crushing design. The Booth of the machinist must be protected from possible hit of the split off particles, but worker must be provided defensive spectacles. 4.1.7 When stripping the constructions, as well as when cleaning departure, rubbish necessary to use the measures on reduction пылеобразования. Working in condition запыленности must be provided means of protection organ of the breathing from residing midair dust and microorganism (the mildew, fungus, their dispute). 4.1.8 Before tolerance working in place with possible appearance of the gas or bad material their necessary to aerate. Under unexpected appearance of the gas of the work follows to stop and remove the workman from dangerous zone. Working in places with possible appearance of the gas must be provided defensive facility (the gas mask). 4.2. Order construction 4.2.1 Stripping the constructions (takedown design) necessary to realize consecutively from top to bottom. It Is Forbidden stripping the constructions simultaneously in several tiers on one вертикали. 4.2.2 When stripping the constructions necessary to leave the passages on worker of the place. When stripping the roofings and medicine to be taken externally sewer workmans must use the preventative belt. 4.2.3 When stripping cornice and drooping parts of the building to be on wall is forbidden. Not work execution is allowed during гололеда, mist, дождя, excluding visibility within front of the work, thunderstorms and winds at the speed of 15 m/with and more. 4.2.4 When stripping the constructions necessary to prevent spontaneous crushing or fall design. The Unstable designs, residing in zone of the work execution, follows to delete either bolt, or intensify according to PPR. It Is Forbidden hem the smokestacks, stone poles and pier manually, as well as produce crushing them on overlapping. 4.2.5 When stripping the constructions by way "swingletree" length attached rope (the tightrope) must be in 3 times more heights of the building. 4.2.6 When stripping the constructions by explosive way necessary to keep the requirements PB 13-407. 4.2.7 At takedown design and equipment by means of грузоподъемных tap necessary to keep the requirements 8 sections persisting rates and rules. The Ways of the liberation, as well as schemes строповки unmounted design must correspond to to be provided in PPR. 4.2.8 Material, got from stripping the constructions, as well as building rubbish, necessary to lower on closed chute or in closed box or container at грузоподъемных tap. The Lower end of the chute must be not above 1 m on the ground or fall into bunker. Throw the rubbish without chute or the other adjustments is permitted with heights not more than 3 m. Dangerous zones, in these places necessary to barrier. The Sizes of the dangerous zone are fixed according to SNIP 12-03. 4.2.9 Material, got when stripping the buildings, necessary to store on specially conducted platform. 5. Earthworks 5.1. Organization of the work 5.2. Organization worker places 5.3. Order construction 5.4. Special methods construction 5.1. Organization of the work 5.1.1 When performing earth and the other work, in accordance with accomodation worker places in выемках and trench, necessary to provide the actions on warning the influence on workman following dangerous and bad production factor, in accordance with nature of the work: the обрушающиеся mountain sorts (the soils); the falling subjects (the piece of the sort); the movinging machines and their worker organs, as well as moved by them subjects; the location worker place вблизи swing on height 1.3 m and more; the raised voltage in electric circuit, which closing can occur through body of the person; chemical dangerous and bad production factors. 5.1.2 At presence dangerous and bad production factor, specified in 5.1.1, safety of the earthworks must be provided on base of the execution being kept in organizing-technological documentation (POS, PPR and others) of the following decisions on guard of the labour: the determination of the safe steepness незакрепленных escarpment foundation pit, траншей (hereinafter - an выемки) with provision for loads from machines and soil; the determination to designs of the fastening wall foundation pit and траншей; the choice of the types of the machines applicable for development of the soil and places of their installation; the additional actions on checking and provision to stability escarpment in connection with seasonal change; the determination of the places of the installation and types of the fences foundation pit and траншей, as well as stairways for lowering workman to place of the work. 5.1.3 For the reason exceptions of the erosion of the soil, formation оползней, crushing wall выемок in earthwork production places before their begin necessary to provide the tap surrface and underground water. The Place construction must be cleaned from boulder, tree, building rubbish. 5.1.4 Production of the earthworks in safe zone of the cables of high power, acting gasmain, the other communication, as well as on area with possible pathogenic contamination of ground (the scrambles, скотомогильники, graveyard etc.) necessary to realize on garb-tolerance after reception of the permit from organization, using these communications or organ of the sanitary control. Construction in these condition follows to realize under direct observation of the leader of the work, but in safe zone of the cables, residing under voltage, or acting gasmain, besides, under observation workman organization, using these communications. 5.1.5 Development of the soil in close proximity acting underground communication is allowed at shovels only, unassisted percussion instruments. Using землеройных machines in places of the intersection выемок with acting communication, not protected from mechanical damages, is permitted in consultation with organization - an owner communication. 5.1.6 In the event of finding in process production earthworks not specified in project communication, underground buildings or explosive material of the earthworks must be suspended, before reception of the permit corresponding to organ. 5.2. Organization worker places 5.2.1 At accomodation worker places in выемках their sizes, received a visit at project, must provide the accomodation a design, equipment, rigs, as well as passages on worker places and to worker to places by width in light not less 0,6 m, but on worker places - also necessities space in zone of the work. 5.2.2 Vyemki, under development on street, journey, in courtyard of the populated points, as well as in the other places of the possible finding of the people, must be ограждены defensive fences with provision for requirements state standard. On fence necessary to install the preventive inscription, but at night time - a signal illumination. 5.2.3 For passage of the people through выемки must be made connecting footbridges in accordance with requirements SNIP 12-03. For passage on worker of the place in выемки follows to install the ship's ladders or маршевые of the stairway by width not less 0,6 m with fences or attached stairways (wooden - a length not more than 5 m). 5.2.4 Construction, in accordance with finding workman in выемках with vertical wall without fastening in sandy, пылевато-глинистых and melting soil above water table and in the absence of вблизи underground buildings, is allowed under their depth not more, m: 1,0 - in неслежавшихся bulk and natural adding песаных # soil; 1,25 - in loam; 1,5 - in loam and clay. 5.2.5 At среднесуточной to temperature of the air below minus 2*C # is allowed increase the most depth vertical wall выемок in frozen soil, except сыпучемерзлых, in contrast with installed in 5.2.4 on value of the depth of промерзания soil, but before 2 m. no more than 5.2.6 Construction, in accordance with finding workman in выемках with escarpment without fastening in bulk, sandy and пылевато-глинистых soil above water table (with provision for capillary lifting) or soil, dranned by means of artificial водопонижения, is allowed at depth выемки and steepness escarpment, specified in table 1. Table 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | NN | Types soil | Steepness of the escarpment (attitude of his(its) height to | |p.p.| | pawning) at depth выемки, m, not more | | | |----------------------------------------------| | | | 1,5 | 3,0 | 5,0 | |----|-------------------|---------------|--------------|---------------| | 1. |Bulk | 1:0,67 | 1:1 | 1:1,25 | | |неслежавшиеся | | | | |----|-------------------|---------------|--------------|---------------| | 2. |Sandy | 1:0,5 | 1:1 | 1:1 | |----|-------------------|---------------|--------------|---------------| | 3. |Loam | 1:0,25 | 1:0,67 | 1:0,85 | |----|-------------------|---------------|--------------|---------------| | 4. |Loam | 1:0 | 1:0,5 | 1:0,75 | |----|-------------------|---------------|--------------|---------------| | 5. |Clay | 1:0 | 1:0,25 | 1:0,5 | |----|-------------------|---------------|--------------|---------------| | 6. |Lessovye | 1:0 | 1:0,5 | 1:0,5 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Notes: 1. At bedding different type soil steepness| |escarpment fix on the most firm type from crushing the escarpment; | |2. To not become firmly packed bulk pertain the soils with давностью отсыпки before| |two years for sandy; before five years - for пылевато-глинистых gruntov. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2.7 Steepness escarpment выемок depth more than 5 m in all events and depth less 5 m at гидрологических condition and type soil, not provided 5.2.12, as well as escarpment, being subjected to moistening, must be fixed the project. 5.2.8 Design of the fastening vertical wall выемок depth before 3 m in soil of natural moisture must be, as a rule, is executed on type designs. Under greater depth, as well as complex гидрогеологических condition fastening must be executed on the individual project. 5.2.9 When installing the fastening higher part their must emerge on бровкой выемки not less than on 15 refer to 5.2.10 Before tolerance workman in выемки by depth more than 1,3 m responsible person must be checked condition escarpment, as well as reliability of the fastening wall выемки. The Boulders and stone, as well as отслоения soil, discovered on escarpment, must be removed. 5.2.11 Tolerance workman in выемки with escarpment, подвергшимися moistening, is permitted only after minute examination by person responsible for provision of safety construction, condition of the soil escarpment and crushing the unstable soil in places, where are discovered "козырьки" or rifts (отслоения). 5.2.12 Vyemki, designed at winter time, when coming the thaws must be examined, but on result of the checkup must be accepted measures to provision of stability escarpment and fastening. 5.2.13 Development роторными and trench excavator in liason soil (the loam and clay) выемок with vertical wall without fastening is allowed on depth not more than 3 m. In places, where is required stay workman, must settle down fastening or be developed escarpments. At extraction of the soil from выемок by means of bucket necessary to make the defensive awnings-козырьки for protection working in выемке. 5.3. Order construction 5.3.1 Install fastening necessary toward from top to bottom on measure of the development выемки on depth not more than 0,5 m. 5.3.2 Develop the soil in выемках "undermining" is not allowed. Extracted from выемки soil necessary to place on distance not less 0.5 m from бровки this выемки. 5.3.3 At development выемок in soil одноковшовым by excavator height забоя must be defined PPR with such calculation to in process of the work were not formed "козырьки" from soil. 5.3.4 When functioning(working) the excavator does not be permitted to produce other work with забоя and be a workman in radius of the action of the excavator plus 5 m. 5.3.5 Stripping the fastening in выемках follows to lead from below on measure of inverse backfilling выемки upwards if other is not provided by PPR. 5.3.6 Under mechanical striking loosenning the soil is not allowed finding workman on distance closer 5 m from places of the loosenning. 5.3.7 Unilateral backfilling the sinuses at device retaining sewer and foundation is allowed in accordance with PPR after realization action, providing stability to designs, under taken condition, way and order of backfilling. 5.3.8 At development, транспортировании, unload, planning and compaction of the soil two or more selfpropelled or towed machine (скреперами, grader, skating rink, bulldozer), going one for another, distance between them must be not less 10 m. 5.3.9 Cars-dump trucks at unload on embankment, as well as when backfilling выемок follows to install not closer 1 m from бровки of the natural escarpment; the unload with trestles, not having defensive (the отбойных) брусьев, is forbidden. The Places of the unload of the motor transport must be defined регулировщиком. 5.3.10 Is Forbidden development of the soil bulldozer and скреперами when moving on ascent or under gradient, with углом of the slopping specified in passport of the machine. 5.3.11 Is Not allowed presence workman and the other persons on area, where are executed work on compaction soil liberally falling трамбовками, closer 20 m from base machine. 5.4. Special methods construction 5.4.1 At development quarry necessary to keep the requirements PB 06-07. 5.4.2 At development скальных, frozen earth soil by explosive way necessary to keep the requirements PB 13-407. 5.4.3 When use the machines in complex condition (срезка soil on gradient, clearing завалов) follows to use the machines, equiped with means of protection, warning influence on working dangerous production factor, appearing in these condition (the fall subject and turnover). 5.4.4 In the event of электропрогрева soil voltage power source must not rise above 380 V. The Warmed up area of the soil necessary to barrier, install on fence signs to safety, but at night time to illuminate. The Distance between fence and sidebar of the warmed up area must be not less 3 m. On warmed up area stay workman and the other persons is not allowed. 5.4.5 Lines of temporary supply to warmed up area of the soil must be executed insulated by wire, but after each displacement электрооборудования and cross bar-beams of the wireing follows to measure the resistance to insulation мегаомметром. 5.4.6 At development of the soil by way гидромеханизации should fulfil requirements state standard. 6. Device of the artificial bases and bore work 6.1. Organization of the work 6.2. Order construction 6.1. Organization of the work 6.1.1 At device of the artificial bases and performing the bore work necessary to provide the actions on warning the influence on workman following dangerous and bad production factor, in accordance with nature of the work: the обрушающиеся mountain sorts (the soils); the movinging machines and their worker organs, as well as moved by them designs and subjects; the location worker places вблизи swing on height 1.3 m and more; the turnover of the machines, fall pile and their parts; the raised voltage in electric circuit, which closing can occur through body of the person. 6.1.2 At presence dangerous and bad production factor, specified in 6.1.1, safety device artificial bases and bore work must be provided on base of the execution being kept in organizing-technological documentation (POS, NIR and others) of the following decisions on guard of the labour: the determination of the ways and choice of the facilities to mechanizations for undertaking the work; the qualification to sequences of the work execution; the development of the scheme of the montage and takedown of the equipment, as well as his(its) displacement on platform; the determination of the nomenclature and required amount of the facilities of collective protection required for using in designs of the machines, as well as at organizations worker places. 6.1.3 Production of the bore work and work on device of the artificial bases follows to realize with observance of the requirements of the section 5 persisting rates and rules. 6.1.4 Svaeboynye and bore machines must be equiped with limiter of the height of the ascent of the bore instrument or грузозахватного of the adjustment and sound signalizing. 6.1.5 Tightropes must have a certificate of the manufacturer or act about their test; the грузозахватные of the facility must be practised and have a tallies or stigmatize, confirming their cargo-carrying capacity and date of the test. 6.1.7 Distance between installed сваебойными or bore machine and located вблизи them constructions is defined PPR. When functioning(working) the specified machines follows to install the dangerous zone on distance not less 15 m from mouth of the bore hole or place забивки to piles. 6.1.8 Movement сваебойных and bore machines follows to produce on beforehand planned horizontal way at finding of the designs of the machines in transport position. 6.1.9 At забивке pile floating копром necessary to provide his(its) reliable причаливание to anchor, bolted ashore or on day, as well as relationship with coast at man on duty court or пешеходного of the footbridge. The Floating pile driver must be provided by life buoys and boat. Is Not allowed produce pile work on river and водоемах at emotion more than 2 баллов. 6.1.10 Zabivka pile with льда is permitted only at presence in PPR special events, providing toughness of the icy cover. 6.1.11 Bored bore holes at cessation of the work must be a locked shield or ограждены. On shield and fences must be installed warning signs to safety and signal illumination. 6.1.12 Vibropogruzhateli necessary to equip with the hanging inventory platform for accomodation worker, executing joining наголовника вибропогружателя to shell. The Width of the flooring of the platform must be not less 0,8 m. Flooring of the platform must be огражден in accordance with requirements SNIP 12-03. 6.1.13 Wall опускного pit изнутри must be equiped with not less than two safely bolted outboard stairway. 6.1.14 On internal perimeter опускного pit necessary to make the defensive козырьки. The Sizes, toughness and order of the installation козырьков must be determined in PPR. 6.1.15 Premiseses, where prepare the solutions for chemical fastening the soil, must be equiped with ventilation and corresponding to capacity for keeping material. 6.2. Order construction 6.2.1 Montage, takedown and displacement сваебойных and bore machines to realize under direct managament of the persons, responsible for safe performing the specified work. The Montage, takedown and displacement сваебойных and bore machines at winds 15 m/with and more or thunderstorm are not allowed. 6.2.2 Technical condition сваебойных and bore machines (reliability of the fastening the nodes, sanity of the relationships and worker flooring) necessary to check before beginning of each change. 6.2.3 Before ascent design сваебойных or bore machines their elements must be are safely bolted, but instrument and незакрепленные subjects are removed. At ascent of the designs, collected in horizontal position, must be discontinued all other work in radius, equal length to designs plus 5 m. 6.2.4 At period of the сваебойных or bore machine work of the person, directly not participating in execution work data, to machine on distance less 15 m are not allowed. 6.2.5 Before beginning bore or сваебойных of the work necessary to check: the sanity sound and light attention devices, limiter of the height of the ascent грузозахватного organ; the condition tightrope for ascent mechanism, as well as condition грузозахватных device; the sanity all mechanism and металлоконструкций. 6.2.6 Before beginning of the checkup, lubrificant, cleaning or removal of some faults of the bore machine or copra bore instrument or сваебойный mechanism must be omitted and are put(deliver)ed in firm position, but engine is stopped and out-of-work. 6.2.7 Lowering and ascent of the bore instrument or piles is produced after presenting the preventive signal. During ascent or lowering of the bore instrument is forbidden produce on copra or bore machine of the work, not having relations to specified process. 6.2.8 Ascent to piles (the groove) and сваебойного of the hammer necessary to produce the separate hook. At presence on copra only one hook for installing the piles сваебойный hammer must be skim with hook and is installed on reliable stop bolt. At ascent pile must remain from раскачивания and torsions with the help of расчалок. The Simultaneous ascent сваебойного hammer and piles are not allowed. 6.2.9 Piles is permitted to tighten on direct line within visibility of the machinist copra through outlet block only, bolted beside basis copra. It Is Forbidden tighten the копром to piles on distance more than 10 m and with deflection them from longitudal axis. 6.2.10 When cutting забитых in soil pile necessary to provide the measures, excluding sudden fall of the taken away part. 6.2.11 Installation pile and сваебойного of the equipment is produced without break before full their fastening. Leave them on weight is not allowed. 6.2.12 At submersion pile by means of вибропогружателей necessary to provide thick and reliable join вибропогружателя with наголовником of the piles, as well as free condition supporting вибропогружатель tightrope. 6.2.13 Vibropogruzhateli follows to include only after fastening him(it) on pile and weakenings supporting полиспастов. The Weakened condition полиспастов must be saved for the whole time of the functioning(working) the vibrator. Under each break in work vibrator follows to switch off. 6.2.14 At submersion pile-shell access worker on hanging platform for joining to submergible pile-shell наголовника вибропогружателя or the following section to piles-shells is permitted not until given design by omitted tap on distance not more than 30 refer to from top of the submergible pile-shells. 6.2.15 Sequence of the development of the soil under edge of the knife опускного pit must provide his(its) stability. The Depth of the development of the soil from edge of the knife pit is defined according to PPR. Is Not allowed develop the soil below 1 m from edge of the knife pit. 6.2.16 At development rolling soil with водоотливом or at presence of the layer such soil above knife pit must be provided measures on ensuring the quick evacuation of the people on event of the sudden breakout of the soil and flooding pit. 6.2.17 Equipment and pipe lines, intended for work execution on freeze soil, must be practised: the devices freezing stations after completion of the montage - pneumatic or hydraulic pressure, specified in passport, but not less 1,2 MPA for soaking up and 1,8 MPA for нагнетательной sides; the freezing rows before опускания in bore holes - a hydraulic pressure not less 2,5 MPA. 6.2.18 Production of the building work in zone of the artificial fastening the soil by freeze is allowed only after achievements льдогрунтовым by fence of the design thickness. The Permit on construction must be executed by act. 6.2.19 Extraction of the soil from foundation pit, having льдогрунтовое fence, is permitted to produce at presence of protection of the frozenned wall from дождя and solar лучей. When functioning(working) follows to save the measures of the protection льдогрунтового fences from mechanical damages. 6.2.20 Order of the checking the sizes and the temperature льдогрунтового fences of the foundation pit in process of the freeze and оттаивания soil must be determined by project. 6.2.21 Pipe lines, hoses and инъекторы, applicable on инъекционных work on chemical fastening soil (the силикатизацией and others), must be subjected to hydraulic test by pressure, equal полуторной to value worker, but not below 0,5 MPA. 6.2.22 Silikatovarki автоклавного of the type and the other device, residing under pressure in process of the usages, necessary to subject to regular technical освидетельствованиям and periodic hydraulic test according to requirements Gosgortehnadzora Russia. 7. Concreting 7.1. Organization of the work 7.2. Organization worker places 7.3. Order construction 7.1. Organization of the work 7.1.1 At preparation, presenting, stowage and care for concrete, stocking up and installation of armature, as well as installation and stripping опалубки (hereinafter - a performing the concreting) necessary to provide the actions on warning the influence on workman dangerous and bad production factor, in accordance with nature of the work: the location worker places вблизи swing on height 1.3 m and more; the movinging machines and moved by them subjects; crushing element design; the noise and vibration; the raised voltage in electric circuit, which closing can occur through body of the person. 7.1.2 At presence dangerous and bad production factor, specified in 7.1.1, safety of the concreting must be provided on base of the execution being kept in organizing-technological documentation (POS, PPR and others) of the following decisions on guard of the labour: the determination of the facilities to mechanizations for preparation, транспортирования, presenting and stowages of the concrete; the determination carrying abilities and development of the project опалубки, as well as the sequences of her(its) installation and order of the stripping; the development action and facilities on provision of safety worker places on height; the development action and facilities on care for concrete in cool and warm time of the year. 7.1.3 At montage опалубки, as well as installation арматурных framework follows to follow the requirements of the section 8 "Erection work" persisting rates and rules. 7.1.4 Cement necessary to keep in silage, bunker, bin and other closed capacity, taking measures against spraying in process of the loading and unloading. The Load holes must be a locked defensive lattice, but manholes in defensive lattice locked on lock. 7.1.5 When use pair for прогрева inert material, residing in bunker or the other capacity, follows to use the measures, preventing penetration pair in worker of the premises. The Lowering worker in cameras, heated ferry, is allowed after unhooking the presenting pair, as well as cooling the camera and residing in her material and product before 40*C #. 7.2. Organization worker places 7.2.1 Accomodation on опалубке of the equipment and material, not provided by PPR, as well as finding of the people, directly not participating in construction on installed design опалубки, is not allowed. 7.2.2 For turning workman with one worker of the place on other necessary to use the stairways, connecting footbridges and ship's ladders, being up to quality SNIP 12-03. 7.2.3 At device assembly опалубки sewer, ригелей and code necessary to provide the device a worker flooring by width not less 0,8 m with fences. 7.2.4 Opalubka overlapping must be ограждена on the whole perimeter. All holes in worker floor опалубки must be locked. If required leave these holes opened their follows to delay the wire net. 7.2.5 After cutting off the part slitherring опалубки and hanging wood торцевые sides must be ограждены. 7.2.6 For protection workman from fall subject on hanging wood on medicine to be taken externally perimeter slitherring and переставной опалубки follows to install the козырьки by width not less widths wood. 7.2.7 Go on put armature is allowed only on special flooring by width not less 0,6 m, put on арматурный framework. 7.2.8 Withdrawable грузозахватные of the adjustment, стропы and tare, intended for presenting concrete mixture грузоподъемными tap, must be made and examined according to PB 10-382. 7.2.9 On area of the pull of armature in places of the passage of the people must be installed defensive fences by height not less 1,8 m. Device for pull of armature must be equiped with signalizing, brought into operation when enabling the drive adjuster device. Stay of the people is Forbidden on distance closer 1 m from арматурных стержней, warmed электротоком. 7.2.10 When using the concrete mixtures with chemical additive follows to use the defensive gloves and spectacles. 7.2.11 Workmans, putting concrete mixture on surfaces, having gradient more 20*C #, must use the preventative belt. 7.2.12 Trestle for presenting concrete mixture автосамосвалами must be equiped with отбойными брусьями. Between отбойными брусьями and fences must be a provided passages by width not less 0,6 m. On dead-end trestle must be installed transverse отбойные брусья. When clearing basket автосамосвалов from the remainder concrete mixture workman is forbidden be in basket of the transport facility. 7.2.13 Stocking up and укрупнительная assembly of armature must be executed in specially intended for this places. When clearing basket автосамосвалов from the remainder concrete mixture workman is forbidden be in basket of the transport facility. 7.2.14 Zone электропрогрева concrete must have a defensive fence, meeting the requirements state standardization, warning light and signs to safety. 7.3. Order construction 7.3.1 Functioning(working) the mixing machines must be realized at observance of the following requirements: clear приямков for load ковшей must be realized after reliable fastening the scoop in lifted position; clear drum and washtub of the mixing machines are allowed only after stops of the machine and removing the voltage. 7.3.2 At work execution on stocking up of armature necessary: install the defensive fences a worker places, intended for разматывания bays (the hank) and выправления armature; when cutting tool стержней of armature on length by length less 0,3 m to use the adjustments, warning their разлет; install the defensive fences a worker places when processing стержней armature, espousing size of the workbench, but beside double-sided workbench, besides, separate the workbench by in the middle longitudal metallic preventative net by height not less 1 m; pack stored up armature in specially conducted for this places; close shield an торцевые part стержней armature in places general passage, having width less 1 m. 7.3.3 Elements framework armature necessary to packetize with provision for conditions of their ascent, storage and транспортирования to place of the montage. 7.3.4 Bunkers (the buckets) for concrete mixture must be up to quality state standard. Displacement loaded or empty bunker is permitted under locked shutter only. 7.3.5 At stowage of the concrete from bunker distance between lower edge # bunker and earlier put by concrete or surface, on which packs the concrete, must be not more 1 m if other distances are not provided by PPR. 7.3.6 Daily before beginning of the stowage of the concrete in опалубку necessary to check the condition of the tare, опалубки and facilities подмащивания. The Discovered faults follows immediately to avoid. Before beginning of the stowage concrete mixture виброхоботом necessary to check the sanity and reliability of the fastening all his(its) section between itself and to страховочному tightrope. 7.3.7 When presenting the concrete by means of бетононасоса necessary: delete all working from бетоновода for time продувки on distance not less 10 m; put бетоноводы on layings for reduction of the influence of the dynamic load on арматурный framework and опалубку when presenting the concrete. 7.3.8 Removing the fuse in бетоноводе compressed by air is allowed at condition: presence of the defensive shield beside output hole бетоновода; the findings working at distance not less 10 m from output hole бетоновода; the realization of the presenting the air in бетоновод evenly, not exceeding possible pressure. At impossibility of the removing the fuse follows to remove the pressure in бетоноводе, tapping to find the place of the finding of the fuse in бетоноводе, расстыковать бетоновод and delete the gap or change the littered section. 7.3.9 When installing element опалубки in several tiers each following tier follows to install the lower tier after fastening. 7.3.10 Stripping опалубки must be produced after achievement by concrete given to toughness. Minimum toughness of the concrete at распалубке loaded design, including from own load, is defined PPR and is agreed with design organization. 7.3.11 When stripping опалубки necessary to take measures against casual fall element опалубки, crushing supporting wood and design. 7.3.12 When moving section катучей опалубки and mobile wood necessary to take measures, providing safety working. The Persons, not participating in this operations, be on section опалубки or wood is forbidden. 7.3.13 At compaction concrete mixture электровибраторами to move the vibrator for токоведущие cables is not allowed, but at break in work and when turning with one place on other электровибраторы necessary to switch off. 7.3.14 At device technological hole for gap pipe line in concrete and железобетонных design diamond recirculating drill necessary on place of the expected fall керна barrier the dangerous zone. 7.3.15 Under электропрогреве concrete montage and joining электрооборудования to supplying network must execute only electricians, having квалификационную group on электробезопасности not below III. 7.3.16 In zone электропрогрева necessary to use the insulated flexible cables or wire in defensive hose. Is Not allowed lay the wire on soil directly or on layer опилок, as well as wire with broken by izolyaciey. to lay the wire on soil directly or on layer опилок, as well as wire with broken insulation #. 7.3.17 Zone электропрогрева concrete must be under round-the-clock observation electrician, executing montage to electric networks. Stay workman and work execution on these area is not allowed, with the exclusion of work, executed on garb-tolerance in accordance with interindustry rule on guard of the labour at usages электроустановок. 7.3.18 Openning (незабетонированная) armature железобетонных design, connected with area, residing under электропрогревом, subjects to the earth (занулению). 7.3.19 After each displacement электрооборудования, applicable under прогреве concrete, on new place follows to measure the resistance to insulation мегаомметром. 8. Erection work 8.1. Organization of the work 8.2. Organization worker places 8.3. Order construction 8.1. Organization of the work 8.1.1 At montage железобетонных and steel element design, pipe line and equipment (hereinafter - a performing the erection work) necessary to provide the actions on warning the influence on workman following dangerous and bad production factor, in accordance with nature of the work: the location worker places вблизи swing on height 1.3 m and more; the moving designs, cargoes; crushing незакрепленных element design buildings and buildings; the fall вышерасположенных material, instrument; the turnover of the machines, fall of their parts; the raised voltage in electric circuit, which closing can occur through body of the person. 8.1.2 At presence dangerous and bad production factor, specified in 8.1.1, safety of the erection work must be provided on base of the execution being kept in organizing-technological documentation (POS, PPR and others) of the following decisions on guard of the labour: the determination of the mark of the tap, place of the installation and dangerous zones under his(its) work; provision to safety worker places on height; the determination to sequences of the installation design; provision to stability design and parts of the building in process of the assembly; the determination of the schemes and ways укрупнительной assemblies element design. 8.1.3 On area (the захватке), where are erection work, is not allowed execution of the other work and finding stranger persons. 8.1.4 When raising the buildings and buildings is forbidden execute work, connected with finding of the people in one захватке (the area) on floor (the tier), on which is produced displacement, installation and temporary fastening element assembly design and equipment. At impossibility of the splitting the buildings and buildings on separate захватки (the area) simultaneous execution erection and other building work on miscellaneous floor (the tier) is allowed in events only, provided by PPR, at presence between them reliable (motivated corresponding to calculation on action of the striking loads) междуэтажных overlapping. 8.1.5 Use installed design for fastening to him cargo полиспастов, outlet block and other erection adjustments is allowed with the consent of design organization only, workable worker drawings design. 8.1.6 Montage design buildings (the buildings) follows to begin, as a rule with space-firm part: связевой of the cell, kernel to acerbity etc. 8.1.7 Montage design each вышележащего floor (the tier) of the high-rise building follows to produce after fastening all installed erection element on project and achievements by concrete (the solution) butting carrying design to toughness, specified in PPP. 8.1.8 Colouration and антикоррозионную protection design and equipment when they are executed on construction site, follows to produce, as a rule, before their ascent on design mark. After ascent to produce the colouration or антикоррозионную protection follows in places butting and join design only. 8.1.9 Unpacking and расконсервация subjecting to montage of the equipment must be produced in zone, conducted in accordance with PPR, and be realized on special shelving or laying by height not less 100 mm. At расконсервации of the equipment is not allowed using material with взрывопожароопасными characteristic. 8.1.10 At montage каркасных buildings to install the following tier of the framework is allowed only after installation barriering design or temporary fences on previous tier. 8.1.11 Montage stair маршей and platform of the buildings (the buildings), as well as грузопассажирских building lift (the lift) must be realized with montage design buildings simultaneously. On mounted stair march follows immediately to install the fences. 8.2. Organization worker places 8.2.1 In process of the montage design buildings or buildings adjusters must be on earlier installed and safely bolted design or facility подмащивания. Stay of the people is Forbidden on design and equipment element during their ascent and displacement. 8.2.2 Outboard erection platforms, stairways and the other adjustments required for functioning(working) adjuster on height, follows to install on assembled design before their ascent. 8.2.3 For turning adjuster with one designs on other follows to use the stairways, connecting footbridges and ship's ladders, having fences. 8.2.4 Is Forbidden transition adjuster on installed design and their element (the farm, ригелям etc.), on which impossible provide the required width of the passage under installed fences, without using the special preventative adjustments (strained along farm or ригеля tightrope for fastening the carbine of the preventative belt). The Places and way of the fastening the tightrope and length his(its) area must be specified in PPR. 8.2.5 When performing the montage barriering panels necessary to use the preventative belt with страховочным by adjustment. The Standard decision must be specified in PPR. 8.2.6 Is Not allowed finding of the people under assembled element design and equipment before installation them in design position. At findings running on assembled by equipment (the design) must be realized special events, providing safety working. 8.2.7 Outboard metallic stairways by height more than 5 m must meet the requirements SNIP 12-03 or be ограждены metallic arcs with vertical relationship and are safely attached to design or equipment. The Ascent worker on outboard stairway on height more than 10 m is allowed in that event if stairways are equiped with platform of the rest not less than through each 10 m on height. 8.2.8 Raschalki for temporary fastening assembled design must be attached to reliable full tilt. The Amount расчалок, their material and section, ways of the pull and place of the fastening are fixed by project construction. Raschalki must be disposed outside the size of the moving the transport and building machines. Raschalki must not concern the sharp углов other design. Peregibanie расчалок in places of the contiguity them with element other design is allowed after check of toughness only and stability these element under influence effort from расчалок. 8.2.9 Elements assembled design or equipment during displacement must remain from раскачивания and rotations flexible delay. 8.2.10 Stropovku design and equipment necessary to produce facility, meeting the requirements SNIP 12-03 and providing possibility remote расстроповки with worker of the horizon when height before lock грузозахватного facility exceeds 2 m. 8.3. Order construction 8.3.1 Before begin performing the erection work necessary to install the order of the exchange signal between person, managing montage and machinist. All signals are given only by one person (the foremen, звеньевым, такелажником-стропальщиком), except signal "Foots", which can be day any workman, noticed evident danger. In specifically responsible events (at ascent design with using the complex rigging, method of the tumbling, at надвижке крупногабаритных and heavy design, at ascent their two or more mechanism etc.) signals must give only leader of the work. 8.3.2 Stropovku assembled element follows to produce in places, specified in worker drawing, and provide their ascent and presenting to place of the installation in position, close to design. It Is Forbidden ascent element building design, not having erection петель, hole or marking and marks, providing their correct строповку and montage. 8.3.3 Clear subjecting to montage element design from dirt and наледи necessary to produce before their ascent. 8.3.4 Assembled elements follows to raise is sailled, without jerk, раскачивания and rotations. Raise the designs follows in two acceptances: first on height 20-30 refer to then after safety checks строповки to produce the further ascent. 8.3.5 When moving design or equipment distance between them and emerging parts of the mounted equipment or other design must be on горизонтали not less 1 m, on вертикали - not less 0,5 m. 8.3.6 During break in work is not allowed leave the raised elements a design and equipment on weight. 8.3.7 Installed in design position elements design or equipment must be bolted so that it was provided their stability and geometric неизменяемость. Rasstropovku element design and equipment, installed in design position, follows to produce after constant or temporary their fastening according to project. Move the installed elements a design or equipment after their расстроповки, with the exclusion of use the erection rig, provided by PPR, is not allowed. 8.3.8 Before completion выверки and reliable fastening installed element is not allowed опирание on them вышерасположенных design if this is not provided by PPR. 8.3.9 Is Forbidden execute erection work on height in opened places at velocities winds 15 m/with and more, under гололеде, thunderstorm or mist, excluding visibility within front of the work. Work on displacement and installing the vertical panels and like by him design with big парусностью necessary to stop at velocities winds 10 m/with and more. 8.3.10 At надвижке (the movement) design and equipment windlass cargo-carrying capacity brake windlass and полиспастов must be is cargo-carrying capacity tractive if other requirements is not installed by project. 8.3.11 At montage design from рулонных stocking up must be taken the measures against spontaneous сворачивания roll. 8.3.12 At assembly of the horizontal cylindrical capacities, consisting of separate царг, must be used клиновые of the laying and the other adjustments, excluding possibility spontaneous скатывания царг. 8.3.13 Ukrupnitelinaya assembly and доизготовление subjecting to montage design and equipment must be executed, as a rule, on specially intended for this places. 8.3.14 Displacement design or equipment several lifting or tractive facility necessary to realize according to PPR, under direct managament of the persons, responsible for safe construction tap, at load, coming on each of them, must not exceed cargo-carrying capacity of the tap. 9. Stone work 9.1. Organization of the work 9.2. Organization worker places 9.3. Order construction 9.1. Organization of the work 9.1.1 When performing the stone work necessary to provide the actions on warning the influence on working following dangerous and bad production factor: the location worker places вблизи swing on height 1.3 m and more; the fall вышерасположенных material, design and instrument; spontaneous crushing element design; the movinging part of the machines and moved by them designs and material. 9.1.2 At presence dangerous and bad production factor, specified in 9.1.1, safety of the stone work must be provided on base of the execution being kept in organizing-technological documentation (POS, PPR and others) of the following decisions on guard of the labour: the organization worker places with instruction of the designs and place of the installing the necessary facilities подмащивания, грузозахватных device, facilities контеризации and tares; the sequence of the work execution with provision for provision of stability raised design; the determination to designs and places of the installing the meanses of protection from fall of the person with heights and falls subject вблизи from building; the additional security measure on provision of stability of the stonework at cool time of the year. 9.1.3 Laying sewer each вышерасположенного floor of the high-rise building must be produced after installing carrying design междуэтажного overlappings, as well as platform and маршей in stair hutch. When raising stone sewer вышерасположенного floor without stowage overlapping or covering necessary to use temporary fastening these sewer. 9.1.4 At montage overlapping and the other design necessary fulfil requirements section 8 persisting rates and rules. 9.1.5 At laying medicine to be taken externally sewer of the buildings by height more than 7 m with internal подмостей necessary on the whole perimeter of the building to make the medicine to be taken externally defensive козырьки, satisfying following requirements: the width defensive козырьков must be not less 1,5 m, and they must be set up with gradient to wall so that corner, formed between нижележащей by part wall buildings and surface козырька, was 110*C #, but clearance between wall of the building and flooring козырька did not exceed 50 mms; the defensive козырьки must bear evenly portioned snow load, installed for given climatic region, and concentrated load not less 1600 N (160 кгс), attached in medium of the stairwell; first row defensive козырьков must have a defensive flooring on height not more than 6 m from ground and be saved before full completion of the laying sewer, but second row, made utter or from сетчатых material with cell not more 50+50 mm, close at height 6-7 m on first beside, but then on move of the laying be moved through 6-7 m. 9.2. Organization worker places 9.2.1 Laying necessary to lead with междуэтажных overlapping or facilities подмащивания. The Height of each tier wall is fixed with such calculation that level of the laying after each перемащивания was not less than on two rows above level new worker flooring. 9.2.2 Facility подмащивания, applicable at laying must meet the demands SNIP 12-03. The Design подмостей and possible loads must correspond to to be provided in PPR. It Is Forbidden execute the laying with casual facilities подмащивания, as well as standing up on wall. 9.2.3 Laying cornice, emerging from plane wall on 30 refer to more then, follows to realize with medicine to be taken externally wood or outboard подмостей, having width worker flooring not less 60 refer to Material follows to dispose on facility подмащивания, set up with inner face wall. 9.2.4 At laying sewer buildings on height before 0,7 m from worker of the flooring and distance from level of the laying with outer face before surface of the ground (the overlappings) more than 1,3 m necessary to use barriering (catching) device, but at impossibility of their using - a preventative belt. 9.2.5 When moving and presenting on worker of the place грузоподъемными tap of the brick, ceramic stone and small block necessary to use the trays, containers and грузозахватные device, provided in PPR, having adjustments, excluding fall of the cargo at ascent and made in accordance with the established order. 9.2.6 Worker, occupied on installation, clear or removing defensive козырьков, must work with preventative belt. Go on козырькам, use their as подмостей, as well as pack on them material is not allowed. 9.2.7 Process the natural stone within territory of the construction site necessary in specially chosen places, where is not allowed finding of the persons, not participating in given to work. The Worker of the place, located on distance less 3 m friend from friend, must be divided defensive screen. 9.3. Order construction 9.3.1 Laying sewer below and at a rate of overlappings, made from assembly железобетонных captive, must be produced with подмостей нижележащего floor. Is Not allowed assemble the plates of the overlapping without beforehand выложенного from brick бортика on two rows above put captive. 9.3.2 Rasshivku medicine to be taken externally швов layings necessary to execute with overlappings or подмостей after stowage of each row. It Is Forbidden be a worker on wall during undertaking of this operations. 9.3.3 Installing the fastening the cornice, облицовочных captive, as well as опалубки brick jumper must execute in accordance with worker documentation. Remove temporary fastening cornice element, as well as опалубки brick jumper is allowed after achievement by solution to toughness, installed by PPR. 9.3.4 When facing sewer large concrete plate necessary to keep the following requirements: facing follows to begin with stowages in level междуэтажного overlappings supporting G-figurative row облицовочных captive, sealled in laying, but then install the ordinary flat plates with fastening them to wall; at thickness облицовочных captive more than 40 mms облицовочный row must be put earlier, than is executed laying, on height of the row of the facing; is not allowed installation облицовочных captive any thicknesses above layings wall more then on two rows captive. 9.3.5 At laying or facing medicine to be taken externally sewer of the high-rise buildings is forbidden construction during thunderstorm, snowfall, mist, excluding visibility within front of the work, or at winds by velocity more than 15 m/with. 9.3.6 Way of the freeze on common solution is permitted to raise buildings not more than 4 floors and not above 15 m. 9.3.7 For stone design, executed by way of the freeze, in PPR must be determined way оттаивания design (artificial or natural) and is specified actions on provision of stability and geometric неизменяемости design for a period of оттаивания and set to toughness of the solution. 9.3.8 At period natural оттаивания and repeating over and over again the solution in stone design, executed by way of the freeze, follows to install the constant observation for them. Stay in building or building of the persons, not participating in action on provision of stability specified design, is not allowed. 10. Otdelochnye work 10.1. Organization of the work 10.2. Organization worker places 10.3. Order construction 10.1. Organization of the work 10.1.1 When performing отделочных work (stucco, painting, облицовочных, glass) necessary to provide the actions on warning the influence on workman following dangerous and bad production factor, in accordance with nature of the work: raised запыленность and загазованность air worker zones; the location worker place вблизи swing on height 1.3 m and more; the sharp edges, заусенцы and roughness on surface отделочных material and design; insufficient luminosity worker zones. 10.1.2 At presence dangerous and bad production factor, specified in 10.1.1, safety отделочных work must be provided organization worker places, provision their necessary facility подмащивания and the other facility to small mechanization required for construction; when using composition, containing bad and пожароопасные material, must be a decisions on ensuring the ventilations and пожаробезопасности. 10.1.3 When performing отделочных work should fulfil requirements persisting rates and rules, when performing окрасочных work should fulfil requirements interindustry rules on guard of the labour. 10.1.4 Otdelochnye compositions and mastics follows to prepare, as a rule, site. Under their preparation on construction site necessary to use for these integer of the premises, equiped with ventilation, not allowing excess at most possible concentration bad material midair worker of the zone. The Premiseses must be provided harmless washing facility and warm water. The Usage mobile painting station for preparation окрасочных composition, not equiped with forced ventilation, is not allowed. 10.2. Organization worker places 10.2.1 Worker of the place for performing отделочных work on height must be equiped with facility подмащивания and stairway-stepladder for ascent on them, being up to quality SNIP 12-03. The Facilities подмащивания, applicable under stucco or painting work, in places, under which are other work or there is passage, must have a flooring without clearance. 10.2.2 When work with bad or inflammable and explosive material follows continuously to aerate the premiseses in operation, as well as during 1 ch after her(its) completions, using natural or artificial ventilation. 10.2.3 Place, on which are produced glass or облицовочные of the work, necessary to barrier. It Is Forbidden produce остекление or облицовочные of the work on several tiers on one вертикали. 10.2.4 In places of the using окрасочных composition, forming explosive pair(vapour)s, wireing and электрооборудование must be обесточены or are executed in non-explosive performance, work with use the fire in these premiseses is not allowed. 10.2.5 When using воздухонагревателей (electric or working at fluid fuel) for просушивания premiseses of the buildings and buildings necessary fulfil requirements PPB-01. It Is Forbidden heat and dry the premiseses a roasting pan and the other device, selecting in premiseses products combustion fuel. 10.2.6 At work execution with solution, having chemical additives, necessary to use the facility of the individual protection (the rubber gloves, defensive unguent, defensive spectacles) as requested manufacturer of the applicable composition. 10.2.7 Under dry clearing the surfaces and the other work, in accordance with separation of dust and gas, as well as under mechanized шпатлевке and colouration necessary to use the respirator and defensive spectacles. 10.2.8 When clearing the surfaces by means of acids or caustic soda necessary to work in preventative spectacles, rubber glove and кислотост
Kashtanka © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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Ой, если Вы мне скажете кто автор и о чем примерно речь (необязательно естестно) Плиз!!!
клубНика © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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хотела шаз в онлайн беблиотеке тебе найти, но нет доступа..(
In © (25.05.2005 21:05)
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